Friday, October 26, 2007

Are We Still Teaching Manners?

Last night I attended a band concert at my nephew's middle school. He has just entered the sixth grade and has played the trumpet now for about four to five weeks. It was a wonderful time. I was regrettably reminded of how casual our society has become. Perhaps it is just because we are in the Northwest and folks here are very informal, they don't even understand RSVP.
Before the music started, the director had to remind the audience not to walk around or talk during the songs. I was surprised that she didn't have to remind us to turn off our cell phones. What happened to respect and courtesy for others? We have let those ideas depart like the Dodo. Why do grown adults have to be told how to act in public? Because each one looks out for his or her self. If someone asks them to get manners, they feel that some inalienable right of theirs has been infringed upon. The director had to preface her warning with, "your children have worked very hard on these songs." We should know that they have worked very hard and not have to be reminded. Besides, it should not just be for the kids that we are quiet, but for the love of those around us who are trying to enjoy the music.
Turn off your phone at public events! If you should forget, then turn it off immediately. Do not answer it and begin talking like a guy did in a movie that my brother and his wife were attending a while back. This guy carried on a loud, full on conversation.
The Golden Rule, a very Biblical principle, applies here: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How Do Christians Choose a Candidate?

With Giuliani as the Republican frontrunner, the question arises, "Can I, as a Christian, vote for a man who is Pro Choice?" It has been suggested to me that we are not voting for a pastor, but a president.
Yes, we are to respect the office of the president whether we agree with the president or not. As Christians we are to understand that God put all authority in place. Even though we are not electing a pastor and we are to respect the office, the decision to me has got to be more about the man than not. Someone might say, "So he is Pro Choice, look at what a political conservative he is." All I can say to that is, wow!
I know that it is impossible to legislate morality. For instance if we ban abortion are the girls not going to get abortions somewhere other than clinics with trained professionals? (By-the-way, I do believe that we should ban abortion and that it is murder.) Morality is a heart issue and only Jesus Christ can change hearts.
I want a man that has impeccable moral values. Not a man that has been married three times and believes in abortion. So, I therefore must choose to vote for the candidate, if there is one, who claims Christ as a member of the triune Deity of God and as that candidate's personal Lord and Savior. I want a man who is not afraid of losing political gain, to speak out against abortion, gay marriage, and other sins against the Truth, Jesus Christ. Someone who is not afraid to give up a second term in the name of what is true and right.
Perhaps if he has traveled this far in politics, then he has already compromised along the way. I choose to believe that we can find this man and that God is faithful to His children regardless of who is in office.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

2008 Presidential Fiasco

It amazes me that with the millions of people in the United States, we have to settle for the lesser of two evils when selecting a president.
I am a schoolteacher. It really comes as no surprise that when students are asked what they want to be when they grow up, that they no longer want to be president. When I was a kid, president was still the number one answer.
If a child is taught integrity, right from wrong, love thy neighbor, and other good Christian morals; why would they then want to become something that throws all of those lessons out the window. I mean, Bill Clinton's approval rating went up when he was caught having an affair. It could just be that the polling was done at the corner tavern, but unfortunately I don't think that is the case.
We do have a problem however. I believe that if the election were held today, we would end up with another President Clinton. The Christian Right will select another candidate, rather than following strict Republican Party lines, because Giuliani is Pro Choice. This will split the Republican vote and Hillary will win by a minority vote, almost by default.
What is almost worse than Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Giuliani? That would be Mr. Romney. Many Evangelical Christians are excited about Romney and his morals. I would rather have a blatant non-Christian as president than a Christian poser. Romney and the Mormons claim to be Christians. Think of the deceit that could be displayed for our great country. A man claiming to be a Christian, but selling in the wrapper of falsehood that is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Well, there is still time. The primary is several months away and the general election is over a year away.
Pray hard people!

What Have You Done to My Stanwood

I am involved with the government in the once small town of Stanwood, Washington. Stanwood was a fabulous place to grow up and go to school and just hang out. A place that seemed boring when I was in high school and yet we never lacked for things to do. From scaring girls at a local cemetery to just hanging out at the beach, we were never really bored.
Unfortunately over the past twenty years, many outsiders have discovered what a wonderful place Stanwood is to live. The problem that I have with people moving into Stanwood from the "big city" or where ever, is that they won't just leave the town the way it was. They are attracted by the "small-town" feeling; the lack of traffic, crime, gangs, etc. The issue becomes that once they have moved into our small rural farming town, these immigrants soon begin missing all of the amenities of the mess that they left behind. Soon the "newbies" fight to get the "big-box" stores and all that come with them and we are soon left with a city that isn't remotely what attracted the new folks in the first place.
If the "pit-of-despair" that you left is so terrible, then why recreate it in my town? Go away! Go back to your one-stop-shopping and your parallel parking. Go back to fast-paced living and take those that came with you.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Christmas Music at Christmastime!

I believe that Christmas music should not be played until Thanksgiving Day and that it should be put away on the 26th of December. I find that if I wait to get out my Christmas music until Thanksgiving Day, then I am longing for it. I have been longing for those old familiar tunes this year since Halloween, but that makes it all the sweeter. Likewise, if I cut myself off on the day after Christmas, then I am not tired of it.
To my older brother and all of those of you who partake year round, it is a semi-free country, do what you like. Just do not infringe on my ears. Let me enjoy my idiosyncrasies and savor that most wonderful music at its appropriate time and season.
Honestly, all holidays should have their time and not overlap with others. But we'll discuss that another day.

Favorite Quotes

"Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery that unequal in freedom."
Alexis de Tocqueville

"A true conservative is a man of the future rooted in the past."
Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D.

"Decisions are made by those who show up."

"I guess this is just another lost cause, Mr. Paine. All you people don't know about lost causes. Mr. Paine does. He said once they were the only causes worth fighting for. And he fought for them once, for the only reason any man ever fights for them; because of just one plain simple rule: 'Love thy neighbor.'... And you know that you fight for the lost causes harder than for any other. Yes, you even die for them."
Jimmy Stewart as "Mr. Smith"

"He who is good at making excuses, is seldom good for anything else."
Benjamin Franklin

"Some people are like slinkies... they are not really good for anything... but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."

"Lack of planning on your part does not constitute and emergency on mine."

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”
John Quincy Adams

“Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.”
George Washington (1732-1799)

“The greatest sorrow and burden you can lay on the Father, the greatest unkindness you can do to him is not to believe that he loves you.”
John Owen - English Puritan Theologian

"There is no limit to what man can do or where he can go if he doesn't mind who gets the credit."

"Start with what is right rather than what is acceptable."
Peter F. Drucker

"Don’t waste time looking for a better job. Do a better job and you’ll have a better job."
S. Truett Cathy (founder of Chick-fil-A)