Friday, December 14, 2007

Should Christian Young Women Go To College?

Should Christian young women go to college? This is a question that I get a lot. There is the school of thought that college is a waste of time for a godly young woman. It is assumed that, when married, the young lady will stay home and keep house, take care of the children, and her husband. Ideally this is a wonderful model. (I realize that in today's society, this is a very chauvinistic idea, but I don't think so.)
Firstly, a young lady should not be waiting for marriage. As a woman who has been given gifts and talents by her creator, she should be using them to further His kingdom. God will bring marriage in His time if it is His will. Secondly, just because a girl has dreams of marriage, it does not mean that God's plans for her are the same. I have heard it said too many times, "She really wants to be married, so God would not leave her single." I am glad that those making that statement are now deciding what the perfect mind of God will think next. I have known several girls, who were set on marriage through high school and college and have yet to be married. They may never. It is then important to be able to support one's self. Thirdly, marriage may not last forever. I am not speaking of divorce, but of separation through death. If a woman were widowed, then it would be wonderful for her to be able to make a living. I agree that the church should help to support her, but they may not have the finances to carry the whole weight of her financial burden. Fourthly, the kids grow up and go to college. The children are grown, the house is in order and dad is trying to pay for two or three of them at a time to go to college. Yes, there are minimum wage jobs that could help, but wow, what one could do with a college career. Finally, there are many men who have good jobs, but do not make enough to support all of the needs of the family. My sister-in-law has been a stay-at-home mom since my niece and nephew were born. My brother works very hard and does pretty well, but there are unforeseen car repairs, braces and other such expenses that may not fit the budget. She has an accounting degree and is able to work from home and still maintain the home and spend time with the children.
I believe that God has called me to work in the ministry of a private school. My wife wholeheartedly agrees. I would love to make enough money for her to stay home. That is not what God has planned for us yet. I will continue to guide young ladies toward college, until God sends them a different direction.