Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rob and Karen - An Example

On Saturday night last, my family had the honor of attending a very special event. It was the celebration of two of our friends, a wonderful couple, reaching the brilliant age of fifty. I thought it appropriate to take a moment, or even two, to tell you a bit about them. They are indeed a wonderful couple and a shining example of marriage, but I want to take the time to speak to the character of each as individuals.
Let’s start with Karen. To meet Karen is an adventure; at least. She could easily be the mayor of our town, not only because she knows everyone in town, which she does, but because she is a very well liked individual in our town. This speaks to her character. Karen loves people. She loves to be with people and do for people. She has a heart of compassion and service. This is Christ in her and the Holy Spirit working through her.
Then there is Rob. Rob does not work a room like his wife, he would prefer a smaller setting with a few people at a time and yet his passion for people is no less than that of Karen’s. Like our Lord, Rob is a discipler, and like Karen he too has a servant’s heart and shares a heart of compassion and yet it is displayed in a very different way. Not that one way is better or worse than the other; just different. They would both sacrificially hand you anything that they own. Rob loves to listen and process and respond only when he feels it is of benefit to you and not him.
They are a couple of compatibility. Like a candle and a flame, one is not as effective without the other. They find joy in their Savior, their family, and their friends; doing so in very dissimilar and similar ways. It is an honor to know them and be counted as friends.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Goodbye Jackson

I do not like cats. I do not try to hide the fact that I do not like cats. There have been very few cats that have crossed my path that I have any kind of affection for at all. Clancy was a large gray cat of my childhood. A fine and affectionate cat, I could have however done without the mouse guts that he would reward us with on our door mat. Barn Cat was a cat that basically ruled our family farm. Probably the strongest of all of the animals living on the farm at that time. She was eternally pregnant and probably has a rivaled amount of descendants to Noah's wife. But, Barn Cat had class. She had the cat attitude that I disdain, but could still let certain people past her emotional wall, her tough exterior, (she only had half a tail) to be an affectionate friend. Finally, there was Jackson. Jackson was a tough, large, black cat with a really distinguishing nick in the point of his left ear. He was the only cat, to my knowledge, to out-mouse Barn Cat. We would let Jackson in our chicken house and he knew to ignore the birds. He would then proceed to hunt in specific areas and without fail head for the door within three minutes with a plump, juicy mouse hanging from his mouth. He was a king, a ranger, a mouser, and a love. Even though he would spray your car like nobodies business, Jackson was a loyal friend who would always be around the farm even when no one else was. Goodbye Jackson.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Begin With Prayer

We begin meals with prayer, Christian gatherings with prayer, even bedtime with prayer. Today is election day and I am reminded of one simple truth; God is still on the throne and in control. This being said, we need to remember that we are to "pray without ceasing." We should continually be in an attitude of prayer. When things go wrong we are quick to pray, but how about when things are good? Do we praise him quickly. Today is November 2nd and it is sunny and warm in the state of Washington. This is rare for this time of the year. As I walked down the sidewalk at school, I stopped, turned toward the sun and allowed the warmth to fall upon my face and I praised God for this simple moment. Let us remember to begin with and continue with prayer as we drive, as we shop, as we play with our children, as we weep with a friend and yes even as we vote. Let us always begin with prayer.