Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tardiness - Rude or what? Let me help!

One of my pet-peeves is when people are late. Perhaps I get this from my father. Like him, I try to arrive early to everything. Last year on my job evaluation, it was even noted that I am early to each event or meeting. I do admit that it is a bit of an obsession. I like to be at a movie no less than a half-hour before the previews roll. I guess I figure that if I shoot for early, I will at least always be on time. Tardiness is simply telling other people either that their time is more important than yours or that one who is tardy is sadly lacking attention and needs to be looked at as they walk in clanging about.
I do have an observation that I believe is well founded. I have noticed that the majority of people who are late to morning events, still have had time to get their morning beverage. Seriously, the person or persons will be just a few minutes late, you know just enough time to be a major distraction, and yet they will still have had time to get their coffee.
Here are a few pointers to help the tardy get places on time. Firstly, setting all of your clocks ahead will not work. You know they are all set ahead, so who are you fooling? Secondly, cut out the coffee and you will be on time, or thirdly keep the coffee and simply begin your day a whopping five minutes earlier. Please!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rob and Karen - An Example

On Saturday night last, my family had the honor of attending a very special event. It was the celebration of two of our friends, a wonderful couple, reaching the brilliant age of fifty. I thought it appropriate to take a moment, or even two, to tell you a bit about them. They are indeed a wonderful couple and a shining example of marriage, but I want to take the time to speak to the character of each as individuals.
Let’s start with Karen. To meet Karen is an adventure; at least. She could easily be the mayor of our town, not only because she knows everyone in town, which she does, but because she is a very well liked individual in our town. This speaks to her character. Karen loves people. She loves to be with people and do for people. She has a heart of compassion and service. This is Christ in her and the Holy Spirit working through her.
Then there is Rob. Rob does not work a room like his wife, he would prefer a smaller setting with a few people at a time and yet his passion for people is no less than that of Karen’s. Like our Lord, Rob is a discipler, and like Karen he too has a servant’s heart and shares a heart of compassion and yet it is displayed in a very different way. Not that one way is better or worse than the other; just different. They would both sacrificially hand you anything that they own. Rob loves to listen and process and respond only when he feels it is of benefit to you and not him.
They are a couple of compatibility. Like a candle and a flame, one is not as effective without the other. They find joy in their Savior, their family, and their friends; doing so in very dissimilar and similar ways. It is an honor to know them and be counted as friends.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Goodbye Jackson

I do not like cats. I do not try to hide the fact that I do not like cats. There have been very few cats that have crossed my path that I have any kind of affection for at all. Clancy was a large gray cat of my childhood. A fine and affectionate cat, I could have however done without the mouse guts that he would reward us with on our door mat. Barn Cat was a cat that basically ruled our family farm. Probably the strongest of all of the animals living on the farm at that time. She was eternally pregnant and probably has a rivaled amount of descendants to Noah's wife. But, Barn Cat had class. She had the cat attitude that I disdain, but could still let certain people past her emotional wall, her tough exterior, (she only had half a tail) to be an affectionate friend. Finally, there was Jackson. Jackson was a tough, large, black cat with a really distinguishing nick in the point of his left ear. He was the only cat, to my knowledge, to out-mouse Barn Cat. We would let Jackson in our chicken house and he knew to ignore the birds. He would then proceed to hunt in specific areas and without fail head for the door within three minutes with a plump, juicy mouse hanging from his mouth. He was a king, a ranger, a mouser, and a love. Even though he would spray your car like nobodies business, Jackson was a loyal friend who would always be around the farm even when no one else was. Goodbye Jackson.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Begin With Prayer

We begin meals with prayer, Christian gatherings with prayer, even bedtime with prayer. Today is election day and I am reminded of one simple truth; God is still on the throne and in control. This being said, we need to remember that we are to "pray without ceasing." We should continually be in an attitude of prayer. When things go wrong we are quick to pray, but how about when things are good? Do we praise him quickly. Today is November 2nd and it is sunny and warm in the state of Washington. This is rare for this time of the year. As I walked down the sidewalk at school, I stopped, turned toward the sun and allowed the warmth to fall upon my face and I praised God for this simple moment. Let us remember to begin with and continue with prayer as we drive, as we shop, as we play with our children, as we weep with a friend and yes even as we vote. Let us always begin with prayer.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Christians and Coffee

I want to rattle on a bit and since this is my blog, I get to do that. Our topic today is Christians and coffee. I have often pondered those that savor coffee as I savor air. Yes, both Christians and pagans alike will line up in endless lines to pay four dollars or more for a cup of coffee. I know that is not just coffee, but a mochachino or a latte’ or some other un-American name for a “legal addictive stimulant.” But, what are they really doing? They have become addicted. They are truly addicts I have seen friends try to quit and honestly there should be a patch or a useful ten-step program. They become edgy and snippy and even tyrannical.
The irony is that Christians do not like to rely on anything but Jesus Christ. That is what I believe, but for water, food and other survival needs, Christians like to believe that addictions are bad. SO WHY COFFEE? WHY CAFFEINE? Let me refer you to the following link; please check it out. *It will explain that even though coffee has some benefits; that excessive coffee consumption can be addictive, it can increase your heart rate, blood pressure and cause an irregular heartbeat. Coffee is also suspected in breast health, cancer, and osteoporosis. I mean really, when a woman becomes pregnant they tell her to stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol and cut out caffeine. That should cause a red light. I get the smoking thing, but they claim that red wine is good for your heart and other alcohol has beneficial medicinal purposes as well, (and I am in no way telling anyone to start consuming alcohol) but many Christians act like the 18th amendment is still the law of the land. So why do we just make light about our addiction to caffeine, our dependence on our corner-occupying espresso stands? It is like a legal dealer on every block, now they are sticking the things in church foyers. All we need is Christ to come in and turn the cart over in my estimation.
I don’t have the answer. Perhaps it makes believers feel a little rebellious in a way that is not yet classified as sinful.
Thank you for reading. If you don’t give up your habit at least consider the non-health cost. How much do you spend a week; twenty-five dollars? That is one-hundred a month, give or take. That is twelve-hundred a year. For the people I know, this is a conservative estimate. But even at twelve-hundred a year if you saved that money from the day of one of your children’s birth until his graduation, then you would have saved $21,600 and that does not include interest. College is expensive, but wouldn’t that money help considerably?
* http://www.health.harvard.edu/press_releases/coffee_health_risk.htm

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Things That Are Wonderful

These are things that I think are pretty wonderful in no particular order.
-Salvation through Jesus Christ alone!
-the changing seasons
-daisies, crocuses, dahlias, etc.
-Double-Stuff Oreos
-starry nights
-a well turned double-play
-American revolutionary and colonial history
-my parents
-my wife and kids
-Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
-good movies
-movie previews
-The Fourth of July, Christmas, Easter, Halloween and other holidays
-a firm, but not vise-like hand shake
-mowing lawn
-John Deere
-fresh cut grass
-fresh tilled soil
-harvesting pumpkins
-a good discussion and/or debate
-students who think
-good English tea - cream, two sugars
-preaching & teaching
-being an elected official
-walking in England
-The Kilns
-the smell of lilacs
-completing a well-done project
-a really good fireworks display
-patriotic music
-most all music with the exception of opera, new country and hip-hop/rap
-George Washington
-Peter, Esther, Job - my top three Bible characters apart from our Lord
-a student who loves history as much as I
-coming home
-my dad being in heaven - healthy and happy

Mr. Smith's Pet-Peeves

The following are just some of my many pet-peeves. They are in no particular order.
-people who make excuses
-people who do not know how to run an effecient meeting
-girls who pierce other than their ears
-girls/guys who continually sweep their bangs from their face
-people who talk to me with their hair covering one eye
-most contemparary Christian music
-Chris Tomlin (mainly when he messes with good old hymns)
-junior high and high school students that date
-people using abbreviation and acronymns in their speech
-the salaries of professional athletes
-Americans who have never read The Constitution, but quote it all the time
-The American Civil Liberties Union
-child-centered parenting
-people who go to church for themselves rather than for God
-people who do not know how to use a four-way stop
-RAP/Hip-Hop (it is not music)
-big government
-high taxes
-two-faced people
-changing your hair color
-the price of snacks at a movie theater
-reporters who print or say things out of context
-informal weddings
-solos at weddings
-people who believe in change just for change sake
-churches that "embrace the culture"
-tipping waiters and waitresses
-people who complain and do nothing to solve the problem
-students who believe they know everything
-unjust war
-cyclists and joggers who do not know how to use the road
-people who spoil surprises
-people who buy gifts for other people on someone's birthday
-people who ask a question that has just been answered
-David Hasselhoff
-people who do anything else while driving
-large lollipops (Dum-Dums are sufficient)
-auto repairs
-America's Next Top Model
-call-in talk radio
-the misinterpretation of "separation of church and state"
-people who do not take down their Christmas lights
-Christmas music before Thanksgiving
-students missing school for vacation
-students missing school for very avoidable reasons/appointments
-students missing school for their birthdays
-the Oakland Athletics & New York Yankees
-a limp hand shake

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Rules for Young Men in College

The Rules

These are rules that I have put together that have been tested and proven successful if followed completely. They are rules intended to help a young man of God be successful at college as well as guard his purity and reputation in Christ. These rules are also designed to aid young men in helping young ladies guard their purity and reputation .

Rules for the Success of Young College Men
By Tim Pearce

These are the rules. You will notice that these are entitled “The Rules”. This means that they are not up for debate. There are no exceptions. These are not guidelines or suggestions, they are rules. I will guarantee you that if you strictly abide by and follow all of these rules; you will have the most wonderful Christian college experience that can possibly be had. These rules have been tried and tested and when followed to the letter, have had a 100% success rate. You will excel not only academically, but in your spiritual life, in your friendships and in purity. These rules will help to set you apart from the ways of the world, not just the secular world, but from the Post Modern Americana Christian World.
The following rules are in no particular order of importance, save the first rule. You cannot be a truly successful young man of God unless you view these rules as a whole and not a list from which you can pick or choose. However, if you follow the first rule, then the others will fall into place. I will say that the rest of the rules will be easy if you cling wholly to rule number 1.

1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and think through each decision from your Savior’s stand-point and not your own. Use the Bible as a filter through which all of your decisions and thoughts must pass.
2. Set aside time to read the Bible and pray every day. This is vital to the success of this contract. You must have a quiet time.
3. Attend church regularly. Sunday morning is not sleep or homework catch-up time.
4. Work hard. You are at college to get an education, everything else is bonus. Homework comes before all other activities. If you work hard and plan well, you will have time for some of the other activities.
5. Sleep! If you are doing rule number four, then most nights you will have plenty of time to sleep.
6. Go to Class!!! You are paying good money to go to school, it becomes your career while you are in college and missing class can be a major setback. With the exception of perhaps, vomiting or loss of a limb, get to class!
7. Interact in class. Answer questions, give input. Do not be afraid to look foolish, you will look more foolish down the road, if you do not know the information.
8. Visit your professors. Go see them in their offices, ask them questions, and build a rapport. Interact with them in class.
9. Have a calendar, either paper or electronic. Look ahead and enter due dates and plan for major projects. You do not want to be taken by surprise when several things are due at once.
10. Do not be in an exclusive relationship. Make lots of friends, both guys and girls. Through your interactions with many people in large groups you will be able to truly see the way a young woman acts and treats others. If you are spending time one-on-one, then you will only see glimpses of what she wants you to see and you are only showing her what you would like her to see. You will end up marrying your best friend and you will know her very well through that non-exclusive friendship.
11. You are to never be alone with a girl. Never! Her reputation as a young woman of God is at stake. You are to never be alone with a girl in a car, no matter how innocent it may seem. You will not be alone with a girl in a room or anywhere else for that matter. You will never pray alone with a girl or study the Bible alone with a girl. Those are intimate things that can lead to other intimate things. If you become a tutor, you will not tutor girls. If you need a study partner, it will not be a girl. No matter how inconvenient it may be, you do not be alone with a girl. Your reputation as a light for Christ is on the line. People may know you pretty well, but they may not know what you are doing while alone with a girl(s).
12. Look at a girl appropriately as if she is your sister. If she is not dressed in a way that protects your innocence, then she is not a young lady with whom you should spend time. The way a young lady dresses is showing off her heart. Flee evil. Even if she is dressed modestly, look at her eyes. We are guys and we lust and our eyes wander, so pray for strength. Do not think that you are above this type of problem; that is when trouble begins. If you are lusting in your heart after a young woman, then you are not only sinning against yourself and God, but you are taking something from her as well. Her body belongs to God first and then her future husband; hands off and eyes off.
13. Do not flirt. You may not think that you are sending signals or even intend to, but you may very well be anyway. Girls want to be loved; they want the attention of a guy. They seek different types of attention, but they do want your attention. Girls are vulnerable and can be easily hurt. If you are upfront with all of your female friends that you are seeking friendship, then they will generally know where they stand with you.
Be wary! There are some young women who want to be physical. They will tell you what you want to hear and feed your massive guy ego. Just a heads up.
14. For everything else; refer to rule number one!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Toy Story 3 - Be Brilliantly Surprised

I will not often blog to endorse a movie. I do however love movies. Before my son came to live with us, my wife and I would go to the late show of some recent film every Friday night. It has been a while since I was surprised by a movie. We took our almost five-year-old son to see “Toy Story 3” yesterday and if you haven’t seen this film, finish reading my blog and then get up and go. It is a jewel for all ages.
Now I promise no spoilers in this entry. But I will tell you that if you have even the slightest pulse, take a box of tissue or 2 to 3 hankies. Your heart will be grabbed in such a way that will move you for hours if not days after the credits roll. (By-the-way, stay for the credits, as always with Pixar.) The new characters are wonderful and compliment beautifully the familiar characters that have become a part of our lives. The script is surprising and just when you have predicted what will happen; the writers throw you a curve ball. There is great humor, edge-of-the-seat drama and, as previously mentioned, thought-provoking heart-wrenching emotion.
Be prepared that some of our old standby characters are mentioned, but do not appear in the film. This, as with all three films, speaks to the truth, the reality, of kids and toys and growing up.
Be sure that there is also another craftily and elaborately devised plan by Woody. That is one brilliant and yet deeply caring cow puncher. If you haven’t guessed he is my favorite. I love all of the characters, they are an orchestra of complimentary personalities, but Woody is the epitome of friendship, loyalty, humanity, frailty, strength, humor and imperfection, and yet he teaches us so many life lessons; the most important being that we cannot make it on our own. We need family, friends and in the case of all sinners we need Jesus Christ.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Abraham Lincoln - The Paradox

For me Abraham Lincoln and his role in the "War Between the States" has become a bit of a problem. Do not get me wrong, I think that he was a good man and in fact I have come to believe that he was the right man at the right time, placed in power providentially as all leaders are. I agree wholeheartedly that the abolition of slavery was paramount. I can find no one with which to disagree on this point.
But the “Civil War” was not initially or primarily about slavery, it was about state’s rights. So where I run into a problem is in the question, “was President Lincoln acting within his power and within the reach of the Constitution?” And whether he was or not, “did he do the right thing by fighting to keep the Union together?” Many southern colonies were worried about the issue of state’s rights when the Constitution was waiting to be ratified. They were worried that the Constitution threatened their way-of-life. The northern states that had already ratified the document enticed the south by saying that if they ratified the Constitution and it was not working for them, the southern colonies could then secede from the Union.
I believe with all of my heart that the southern colonies had the right to secede. But I praise the Lord that a man like Lincoln had the courage to fight to hold this great nation together. I shudder to think how things might have turned out had the hand of the Almighty not reached down and saved this great nation.
Do I fear that a precedent was set, that the commander-in-chief can supersede the Constitution at will? No, we have not seen that in this way since. Have we seen presidents who have tried to get around the Constitution, yes, we have one now, but the voters, the people, will rise up and our system of checks and balances will succeed. God bless the United States of America.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Rules for Young Ladies in College

These are rules that I have put together that have been tested and proven successful if followed completely. They are rules intended to help a young woman of God be successful at college as well as guard her purity and reputaion in Christ.
The Rules
Rules for the Success of Young College Ladies

These are the rules. You will notice that these are entitled “The Rules”. This means that they are not up for debate. There are no exceptions. These are not guidelines or suggestions, they are rules. I will guarantee you that if you strictly abide by and follow all of these rules; you will have the most wonderful Christian college experience that can possibly be had. These rules have been tried and tested and when followed to the letter, have had a 100% success rate. You will excel not only academically, but in your spiritual life, in your friendships and in purity. These rules will help to set you apart from the ways of the world, not just the secular world, but from the Post-Modern Americana Christian World.
The following rules are in no particular order of importance, save the first rule. You cannot be a truly successful young woman of God unless you view these rules as a whole and not a list from which you can pick or choose. However, if you follow the first rule, then the others will fall into place. I will say that the rest of the rules will be easy if you cling wholly to rule number 1.

1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and think through each decision from your Savior’s stand-point and not your own. Use the Bible as a filter through which all of your decisions and thoughts must pass.
2. Set aside time to read the Bible and pray every day. This is vital to the success of this contract. You must have a quiet time.
3. Attend church regularly. Sunday morning is not sleep or homework catch-up time.
4. Work hard. You are at college to get an education, everything else is bonus. Homework comes before all other activities. If you work hard and plan well, you will have time for some of the other activities.
5. Sleep! If you are doing rule number four, then most nights you will have plenty of time to sleep.
6. Go to Class!!! You are paying good money to go to school, it becomes your career while you are in college and missing class can be a major setback. With the exception of perhaps, vomiting or loss of a limb, get to class!
7. Interact in class. Answer questions, give input. Do not be afraid to look foolish, you will look more foolish down the road, if you do not know the information.
8. Visit your professors. Go see them in their offices, ask them questions, and build a rapport. Interact with them in class.
9. Have a calendar, either paper or electronic. Look ahead and enter due dates and plan for major projects. You do not want to be taken by surprise when several things are due at once.
10. Do not be in an exclusive relationship. Make lots of friends, both guys and girls. Through your interactions with many people in large groups you will be able to truly see the way a young man acts and treats others. If you are spending time one-on-one, then you will only see glimpses of what he wants you to see. You will end up marrying your best friend and you will know him very well through that non-exclusive friendship.
11. You are to never be alone with a boy. Never! You are to never ride alone with a boy in a car, no matter how innocent it may seem. You will not be alone with a boy in a room or anywhere else for that matter. You will never pray alone with a boy or study the Bible alone with a boy. Those are intimate things that can lead to other intimate things. If you become a tutor, you will not tutor boys. If you need a study partner, it will not be a boy. No matter how inconvenient it may be, you do not be alone with a boy. Your reputation as a light for Christ is on the line. People may know you pretty well, but they may not know what you are doing while alone with a boy(s).
12. Dress appropriately. If you are advertising, then people will think that you are selling. Help guys be pure, what a favor you can give to the young men around you. Your clothing does not need be tight. Again you can help those around you and you can remember that your body is not yours. It belongs to the Lord and through Him it then belongs to your future husband.
13. Do not flirt. You may not think that you are sending signals or even intend to, but you may very well be anyway. Guys can think that a smile is a sign from above. Seriously, you may have something in your eye and a guy might think that you are winking at him. He might claim, in a group, that blue is his favorite color and so you state that yours is as well, and he will think that you are hinting at something bigger. Guys are just wired so differently than girls. Remember that girls want to be loved and guys want to be touched and to touch. Be aware of every bit of body language that you use, everything that you say and the way that you say it. Pray that everything that you do and say will be taken righteously. Signs may not be your fault, guys are responsible for their own actions, thoughts and feelings, but keep an eye out to see if a guy is sending you signals, based on your interaction.
14. For everything else; refer to rule number one!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why Do I Blog?

Why do I blog? I am asked this question often. It would be nice if more than just three of you read what I had to say, I feel that I have quality contributions to make, but the main reason for taking the time out of my life to pen my thoughts is simply to straighten my thoughts. On any given day I have so much in my head that it would be nice to have Dumbledore’s Penseive, but I do not. So in my own way I clarify and clear by blogging. How do I choose what thoughts to elucidate? I commonly do not put a thought to ink unless I have a lucid opinion, one in which I am comfortable regardless of who agrees or disagrees. I have, however, had my mind changed from time-to-time and am open to a change of position or at least healthy discussion on most issues save one. I will not change my position on Jesus Christ being the one true God as a member of the Trinity and it is only by Him and through Him one must be saved. Sorry, to burst your bubble if you are an unbeliever, but Christ alone!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Pinnacle of Fashion

I will probably never understand current fashion trends, especially those of our youth. It does not matter when it might be, when I say current fashion trends, it is always now so the trends are always current and therefore I will never understand current fashion trends.
I always explain to my students how I understand that they truly believe that they have arrived; fashion wise that is. I grew up through the stunning attire of the seventies and eighties. I recall bell-bottom cords, feathered hair, leg-warmers; I even spent some time myself emulating Don Johnson’s Sonny Crockett of Miami Vice. We were certain that we had finally perfected dress. We dabbled in the past, collecting bits and pieces from the fifties, sixties and seventies, but we had, at last, compiled a collection of fashion which would stand the test of time, clothing and hair which would last for the ages to come. Today’s youth are no different. I look back at old yearbooks and with today’s young people at my side; mock the attire of my times of yore. And yet as I ridicule my youth, I am aware that my students and all young people in the United States believe that they have reached the pinnacle of fashion.
So we all do it, we all go through the crazy trends and try extremes in the way that we look and dress. I will not understand, however, what I believe is known as a faux-hawk; a hairstyle of young men arranged by utilizing gel, mousse, superglue or whatever necessary to form the hair into the equivalency of what looks like a chicken in desperate need of being culled.
I also have great difficulty with young men who wear their pants at the base of their bum cheeks as to advertise which brand of boxers they are sporting. For the love of all that is good, if you are that frantic for the world to see your undergarments just wear them over your pants or just don’t wear the pants at all.
But the immense hang-up I have today is the purchasing of a pair of pants, hooded sweatshirt or of any other clothing that looks as though it has gone fifteen rounds with a rabid pit-bull. I generally throw away clothes before they get to the point that I have seen in the mall, let alone wear them in public. The more worn the clothing is, the more shotgun-like holes which the clothing possesses, the higher the price. I should just start selling my worn our jeans on eBay and I could retire by forty-five.
Yes, I know this too shall pass. But, I pray that it will pass quickly, like Henry the VIII’s wives.