Friday, October 3, 2008

Adams and Jefferson / Friendship and Fury That Work

When John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were wrestling with the other founders as to the role and size of government, they were not concerned with morals and principles. Yes, there have always been unprincipled and immoral men, but at the time our government was being formed, morals and principles were assumed. It was just a given that people generally believed in biblical principles, regardless of their faith in Jesus Christ. Our founders were working to form a way to manage government and give rights to the people. They did not have to discuss same-sex marriage or the killing of millions of babies in the womb, because people generally held to the decent and right principles set forth in the Word of God.
Today, our government has to spend a lot of time dealing with morals, because the world has worked so hard to keep God and His plan and simple decent morals out of government. Instead of spending time sharpening each other on matters of Constitutional government, in a partisan manner in which our founders intended, our politicians spend a great deal of their time governing morality.
Adams and Jefferson were ardently opposites on the role of a federal government. They agreed on the given morals that should be inherent in any government, and so they were able to have ongoing healthy differing opinions which truly did keep our government and our elected officials razor-sharp. They disagreed until the very day on which they both died, and yet kept a strong respect and admiration for one another. We should hold this example of tight friendship, solid respect and a fervent differing of opinion up to the faces of our governing officials.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Our Casual, Rude, Uncaring Selves - Get Over You

Imagine you are sitting in church on a Sunday morning, and you are deep in worship as the message is being taught. Suddenly, some unthinking person is edging his way in front of you and others, tripping over knees and purses as he heads to the bathroom. It is much like the annoying one who does the same at a movie theater and yet we get riled up when it disrupts our movie, but we would often consider ourselves unchristian if we were to act disturbed by this selfish act.
On the other hand, we can sit three hours holding our bladders as the sights and sound of "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy thrills us, but for an hour to and hour and a half church service, we seem to have weak kidneys.
How about the woman who is convinced that she cannot make it through the service without her "legal addictive stimulant." Why do people need coffee during a church service? Should it not be the passion and desire to worship and learn about God that keeps us awake and alert? Could it be the two hour Saturday night movie of the week, that you probably should not have watched last night, that has made you tired for God this morning or perhaps it is simply a lack of desire to be awake for God.
As a teacher I ran into the problem that students constantly wanted to take trips to the restroom. It was very disturbing to the class and so I instituted the rule that the bathroom disappears when class begins, and reappears when class ends. To this day, I have never had a student wet himself.
The problem in both of these instances is selfishness. We have made church about us. The Pilgrims and the Puritans would sit for many many hours on a Sunday, on very hard wooden benches in an effort to make the focus of their time about the Lord and not themselves.
Drink your coffee before the service, then go to the bathroom, then enter the worship service or the classroom with God and others in mind.
Get over yourself.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Stanwood - College Bound?

A while back rumor came down that the State of Washington was looking to place a new four-year university in North Snohomish County. The idea was that the new school would service North Snohomish County (north of Everett), Skagit County and Island County. So in the infinite wisdom of the state, they decided to place the school in Everett, a location which meets none of the goals. (Which is fine with me.)
Putting the poor site choice aside, I would like to talk more specifically about my community, the community of Stanwood. I would like to discuss the movement, by many people from the greater Stanwood area, to have this college placed in the Stanwood vicinity, and the continued movement, now that the state college site has been selected, to attract a private college or university to the Stanwood area.
The thing that really staggers my imagination is the fact that most of the university proponents are the same people who fought blood sweat and tears to keep Wal-Mart out of Stanwood a few years back. It just seems ironic that someone would battle against the big box monster and then turn around and try to attract something that will inevitably attract the monster. If a four-year college, with dorms and the works comes to town, they are going to need somewhere to shop and at this time Stanwood does not have the stores that college students will be wanting. It is like building a casino and the entire time saying that it will not attract gamblers.
Get a clue! You cannot have one without the other.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

St. Valentine's Day

It has been a long time since I have had an opportunity to write and update my blog. Not that anyone is reading this regularly except my wife and she has been since banned from reading this blog at work. The frozen food packaging company, for which my wife works, has set up the internet in such a way that many sites are blocked, each employee has only a certain amount of quota time each day, and if you visit any one site too often, then it becomes restricted. But, I send out a God bless you, to my wife who is a great supporter of the things that her husband loves.
It is St. Valentine's Day and I have to say, so what, and who cares? Well, my wife, for one cares a good deal. A few years ago a friend of mine and I decided to not get anything for our wives for Valentine's Day. He bailed on me and I followed through. (He must fear his wife more than I.) Anyway, was I ever in the doghouse? I have learned my lesson. I do not go over-the-top, but my lady is not one who needs someone to go over-the-top. She just wants to be remembered. I do not always say it, but she is daily remembered. Regardless of whatever conflict we might be going through, I always remember that God brought her to me and that I love her and she loves me. This might sound like gooey dribble, but we all need a little of that now and then.
My main problem with St. Valentine's Day is that so many couples only celebrate each other on February 14th. Shame on you men out there who do not do the little things throughout the year to remind her that she is a gift from God.