Friday, January 16, 2009

The Anti-Social Society Deteriorating Facebook

I have been faced with a dilemma. Is Facebook something that all people should have? Is it really a good social tool? At 1.5 million users, it will soon become standard for everyone to have one, so why don’t I endorse Facebook?
Well, I just can’t bring myself to jump on the wagon. I recently read an article by Farhad Manjoo, who compared Facebook growth with the escalation of the cell phone in our society to the point that you need to have one. Manjoo states, “…and then one day enough people had cell phones that everyone began to assume that you did, too.” He then went on to say, “they’d [cell phones] grown so deeply entwined with modern life that the only reason to be without one was to make a statement by abstaining.” I cannot think of a better way of making a statement than abstention. This philosophy of doing something because everyone else is doing it and because it has become commonplace, is frightening. In the United states there are approximately 1 million divorces a year. By the time teenagers turn 18 in the United States, somewhere in the neighborhood of 50-60 percent of them have had sexual intercourse. Adolph Hitler came to power and reeked havoc on our world because a bunch of young people who were following the crowd. The anti-christ will have everyone marked because it is the thing to do.
A young friend of mine is struggling with peer pressure due to the fact that she does not have a Facebook and all of her friends do. The friends say that they could keep up with her more often and better if she had one. The irony is that most of those people live on the same college campus with her and she would end up seeing them less and talking to them less if she signed up for Facebook. Our society is becoming more and more isolated in the name of being more social. Students are texting and Facebooking rather than calling or visiting, they are walking in packs down the mall texting the friends that they are not with, while each one is listening to different music on their ipods.
If you want to be a true friend, make an effort to call or go see, or invite your friends over. I am guessing that if Christ were incarnate today, He would not be interacting with people through a text and I am betting He would not have a Facebook. He was about up close personal relationships. That is how He still wins hearts.