Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tardiness - Rude or what? Let me help!

One of my pet-peeves is when people are late. Perhaps I get this from my father. Like him, I try to arrive early to everything. Last year on my job evaluation, it was even noted that I am early to each event or meeting. I do admit that it is a bit of an obsession. I like to be at a movie no less than a half-hour before the previews roll. I guess I figure that if I shoot for early, I will at least always be on time. Tardiness is simply telling other people either that their time is more important than yours or that one who is tardy is sadly lacking attention and needs to be looked at as they walk in clanging about.
I do have an observation that I believe is well founded. I have noticed that the majority of people who are late to morning events, still have had time to get their morning beverage. Seriously, the person or persons will be just a few minutes late, you know just enough time to be a major distraction, and yet they will still have had time to get their coffee.
Here are a few pointers to help the tardy get places on time. Firstly, setting all of your clocks ahead will not work. You know they are all set ahead, so who are you fooling? Secondly, cut out the coffee and you will be on time, or thirdly keep the coffee and simply begin your day a whopping five minutes earlier. Please!