Friday, February 27, 2009

The “Stars”, Like Sergeant Schultz, “know nothing”

The economy is dropping and looking bleak, let’s ask Lindsey Lohan what she thinks, that will make things better. The United States is in an energy crisis; let’s call Tom Cruise, because he spent many years getting multiple degrees in the sciences (for the record Scientology is not a true science.) We are going to war again, let’s quickly contact Pitt and Jolie, perhaps their experience in violent films will help me sleep at night.
Why do we care what the stars are thinking? Many of them are not thinking at all. It has always stopped me in my tracks. We go to war, we hear from military analysts who have spent their lives actually in the military and studying the same. We hear the opinion of new broadcasters who have great research teams and years of experience in research; we listen to politicians who also have background and some understanding, and then we spend time hearing from the stars. As if Sean Penn’s opinion will place people at ease. I would glean better information from my horoscope as it deals with the heavenly stars. (I do not endorse this course of research either.)
Don’t get me wrong, next to the brilliant soldiers, analysts, reporters and politicians; there are plenty of idiots within their ranks. But what qualifies a movie or music icon to give expert opinion on the major issues that our great country faces? I will tell you, the fans, that’s who. The fans cannot wait to hear what their favorite rocker has to say about the latest crisis. It is the fan, the general public that has elevated the stars to a status of all wisdom. It is all of the masses that can no longer think for themselves because they have been spoon fed shallow scripts that cause them not to think, video games with reset buttons and “music” with lyrics that would drown in a thimble.
I would become a big fan of the Hollywood icon or the Stadium performer who just simply told the truth and said, “I know nothing.”

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