Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I recently had a student of mine ask if it was ok to have a crush. My answer is, as expected, complicated and yet not. There is, in my mind, not just a quick response to this question. You have to ask yourself a few questions. First, is your motive pure? What has caused this heart palpitating, stomach churning, teenage giggling feeling to arise in your being? This questioning then leads to further questioning. Is the cause lust? Really, is the main motive for this crush simply that the guy is cute, hot, sick, etc.? If it is, then the crush is wrong. Do I need to continue? Let's face it, it is physical attractiveness that has brought you to this Cinderella feeling. He is Prince Charming.
So how do I handle these feelings? It is ok to think someone is attractive. In the words of my mom, "when you stop finding people attractive, you're dead." Crushes are not a sin, but could easily become sin if allowed.
Remember, keep Christ first! Pray in all areas of your life, this includes crushes. Be friends with as many people as you can and when the time is right and you are old enough, Christ will bring you the one that is meant for you. Purity above all! Christ at the center!


Anonymous said...

whooa first post in a long time lawl

Anonymous said...

Would crushing on a boy cuz they're cute/hot be lusting?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pearce! ;)

Emily and Marion said...

Hi Pearce! You haven't posted anything in a while D: I just thought Id say hi since I havent seen you all summer :) But I also have a question: Is cutting yourself a sin?
Im not cutting myself, but one of my friends has and gets bullied for it, just leading to more depression and cuts. I don't know why the bullying started in the first place, but the friend lives all the way in Bellevue so I can't see whats actually happening or talk to the people bullying her. I know I can't really do anything from where I am, but I comfort her as much as I can.
Thanks for all your opinions and truths Pearce!