Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Rules for Young Ladies in College

These are rules that I have put together that have been tested and proven successful if followed completely. They are rules intended to help a young woman of God be successful at college as well as guard her purity and reputaion in Christ.
The Rules
Rules for the Success of Young College Ladies

These are the rules. You will notice that these are entitled “The Rules”. This means that they are not up for debate. There are no exceptions. These are not guidelines or suggestions, they are rules. I will guarantee you that if you strictly abide by and follow all of these rules; you will have the most wonderful Christian college experience that can possibly be had. These rules have been tried and tested and when followed to the letter, have had a 100% success rate. You will excel not only academically, but in your spiritual life, in your friendships and in purity. These rules will help to set you apart from the ways of the world, not just the secular world, but from the Post-Modern Americana Christian World.
The following rules are in no particular order of importance, save the first rule. You cannot be a truly successful young woman of God unless you view these rules as a whole and not a list from which you can pick or choose. However, if you follow the first rule, then the others will fall into place. I will say that the rest of the rules will be easy if you cling wholly to rule number 1.

1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and think through each decision from your Savior’s stand-point and not your own. Use the Bible as a filter through which all of your decisions and thoughts must pass.
2. Set aside time to read the Bible and pray every day. This is vital to the success of this contract. You must have a quiet time.
3. Attend church regularly. Sunday morning is not sleep or homework catch-up time.
4. Work hard. You are at college to get an education, everything else is bonus. Homework comes before all other activities. If you work hard and plan well, you will have time for some of the other activities.
5. Sleep! If you are doing rule number four, then most nights you will have plenty of time to sleep.
6. Go to Class!!! You are paying good money to go to school, it becomes your career while you are in college and missing class can be a major setback. With the exception of perhaps, vomiting or loss of a limb, get to class!
7. Interact in class. Answer questions, give input. Do not be afraid to look foolish, you will look more foolish down the road, if you do not know the information.
8. Visit your professors. Go see them in their offices, ask them questions, and build a rapport. Interact with them in class.
9. Have a calendar, either paper or electronic. Look ahead and enter due dates and plan for major projects. You do not want to be taken by surprise when several things are due at once.
10. Do not be in an exclusive relationship. Make lots of friends, both guys and girls. Through your interactions with many people in large groups you will be able to truly see the way a young man acts and treats others. If you are spending time one-on-one, then you will only see glimpses of what he wants you to see. You will end up marrying your best friend and you will know him very well through that non-exclusive friendship.
11. You are to never be alone with a boy. Never! You are to never ride alone with a boy in a car, no matter how innocent it may seem. You will not be alone with a boy in a room or anywhere else for that matter. You will never pray alone with a boy or study the Bible alone with a boy. Those are intimate things that can lead to other intimate things. If you become a tutor, you will not tutor boys. If you need a study partner, it will not be a boy. No matter how inconvenient it may be, you do not be alone with a boy. Your reputation as a light for Christ is on the line. People may know you pretty well, but they may not know what you are doing while alone with a boy(s).
12. Dress appropriately. If you are advertising, then people will think that you are selling. Help guys be pure, what a favor you can give to the young men around you. Your clothing does not need be tight. Again you can help those around you and you can remember that your body is not yours. It belongs to the Lord and through Him it then belongs to your future husband.
13. Do not flirt. You may not think that you are sending signals or even intend to, but you may very well be anyway. Guys can think that a smile is a sign from above. Seriously, you may have something in your eye and a guy might think that you are winking at him. He might claim, in a group, that blue is his favorite color and so you state that yours is as well, and he will think that you are hinting at something bigger. Guys are just wired so differently than girls. Remember that girls want to be loved and guys want to be touched and to touch. Be aware of every bit of body language that you use, everything that you say and the way that you say it. Pray that everything that you do and say will be taken righteously. Signs may not be your fault, guys are responsible for their own actions, thoughts and feelings, but keep an eye out to see if a guy is sending you signals, based on your interaction.
14. For everything else; refer to rule number one!

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