Sunday, October 17, 2010

Christians and Coffee

I want to rattle on a bit and since this is my blog, I get to do that. Our topic today is Christians and coffee. I have often pondered those that savor coffee as I savor air. Yes, both Christians and pagans alike will line up in endless lines to pay four dollars or more for a cup of coffee. I know that is not just coffee, but a mochachino or a latte’ or some other un-American name for a “legal addictive stimulant.” But, what are they really doing? They have become addicted. They are truly addicts I have seen friends try to quit and honestly there should be a patch or a useful ten-step program. They become edgy and snippy and even tyrannical.
The irony is that Christians do not like to rely on anything but Jesus Christ. That is what I believe, but for water, food and other survival needs, Christians like to believe that addictions are bad. SO WHY COFFEE? WHY CAFFEINE? Let me refer you to the following link; please check it out. *It will explain that even though coffee has some benefits; that excessive coffee consumption can be addictive, it can increase your heart rate, blood pressure and cause an irregular heartbeat. Coffee is also suspected in breast health, cancer, and osteoporosis. I mean really, when a woman becomes pregnant they tell her to stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol and cut out caffeine. That should cause a red light. I get the smoking thing, but they claim that red wine is good for your heart and other alcohol has beneficial medicinal purposes as well, (and I am in no way telling anyone to start consuming alcohol) but many Christians act like the 18th amendment is still the law of the land. So why do we just make light about our addiction to caffeine, our dependence on our corner-occupying espresso stands? It is like a legal dealer on every block, now they are sticking the things in church foyers. All we need is Christ to come in and turn the cart over in my estimation.
I don’t have the answer. Perhaps it makes believers feel a little rebellious in a way that is not yet classified as sinful.
Thank you for reading. If you don’t give up your habit at least consider the non-health cost. How much do you spend a week; twenty-five dollars? That is one-hundred a month, give or take. That is twelve-hundred a year. For the people I know, this is a conservative estimate. But even at twelve-hundred a year if you saved that money from the day of one of your children’s birth until his graduation, then you would have saved $21,600 and that does not include interest. College is expensive, but wouldn’t that money help considerably?

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