Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mr. Smith's Pet-Peeves

The following are just some of my many pet-peeves. They are in no particular order.
-people who make excuses
-people who do not know how to run an effecient meeting
-girls who pierce other than their ears
-girls/guys who continually sweep their bangs from their face
-people who talk to me with their hair covering one eye
-most contemparary Christian music
-Chris Tomlin (mainly when he messes with good old hymns)
-junior high and high school students that date
-people using abbreviation and acronymns in their speech
-the salaries of professional athletes
-Americans who have never read The Constitution, but quote it all the time
-The American Civil Liberties Union
-child-centered parenting
-people who go to church for themselves rather than for God
-people who do not know how to use a four-way stop
-RAP/Hip-Hop (it is not music)
-big government
-high taxes
-two-faced people
-changing your hair color
-the price of snacks at a movie theater
-reporters who print or say things out of context
-informal weddings
-solos at weddings
-people who believe in change just for change sake
-churches that "embrace the culture"
-tipping waiters and waitresses
-people who complain and do nothing to solve the problem
-students who believe they know everything
-unjust war
-cyclists and joggers who do not know how to use the road
-people who spoil surprises
-people who buy gifts for other people on someone's birthday
-people who ask a question that has just been answered
-David Hasselhoff
-people who do anything else while driving
-large lollipops (Dum-Dums are sufficient)
-auto repairs
-America's Next Top Model
-call-in talk radio
-the misinterpretation of "separation of church and state"
-people who do not take down their Christmas lights
-Christmas music before Thanksgiving
-students missing school for vacation
-students missing school for very avoidable reasons/appointments
-students missing school for their birthdays
-the Oakland Athletics & New York Yankees
-a limp hand shake

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